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Cathy Ward, “Rite of Passage,” 2022, sixteen separate pieces, sumi ink on clay support surface; each piece measures 6 x 6 inches (15.24 x 15.24 centimeters)

One-year subscription to the online magazine and a copy of The brutjournal Annual, plus a one-of-a-kind, original artwork from the "Rite of Passage" series by the London-based, British artist Cathy Ward. Her work has been shown in England, the United States, and other countries, and is the subject of the monograph Liberty Realm (published by Strange Attractor in the United Kingdom; distributed in the U.S.A. by The MIT Press). When placing your order, please choose from one of the letter-identified, available works, above. First come, first served.

This price includes the shipping and handling of the artwork and, later, the printed annual to your designated address.

The price for subscription is $210.00 now.

Subscription expires after 1 Year.

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